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Raw Feeding 

We have embarked on a raw feeding regime here at Amity Views last year. 

David & I have always been like minded in our approach to going natural before turning to western medicine. We often use alternative therapies in our daily lives. 

Two years ago we started living wheat free, sugar free and grain free and somewhat for our children as well. The benefits of this way of life were soon realised, less aches and pains, reduced inflammation, less stomach issues, no more reflux, carpal tunnel syndrome disappeared, the list goes on. 

So, it only makes sense to do the same for our beautiful dogs. 

 Our Raw feeding venture started last year when we visited an animal naturopath who highlighted that we were paying big money for kibble that contained very little protein and a substantial amount of fillers. You name it, we have tried it! All the big names and so called top quality kibbles! After this meeting we were convinced to give up feeding kibble/dry food and convert to fully raw food for our doggos!

Raw feeding is sometimes referred to as a BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet. The basic principle is that animals will live healthier lives if they eat foods their ancestors ate in the wild. It seems perfectly logical, but for some reason, the vast majority of pet foods on the market don't follow this principle.

There are many benefits to feeding raw and these are just some of them:

·         Better Dental Hygiene

·         Improved Liver, Pancreatic and Bowel Health

·         Reduction of Allergy Symptoms

·         Strengthened Immune System

·         Better Behaviour

·         Less Waste Which Is Better for  Kidneys

·         Better Weight Control

·         Improved Digestion

·         Shinier, Healthier Skin and Coat

·         Smaller, Firmer, Consistent and Less Smelly Stools

·         Increased Mobility in Older  Animals

·         More Energy and Stamina

Biologically dogs do not produce the digestive enzyme amylase in their saliva which aids the breakdown of carbohydrates. This is a key reason why kibble diets with grains and fillers are not suitable for our canine companions. When looking at the nutritional panel of any kibble and working out the contents you will note that the protein value is nowhere near what can be achieved by feeding raw and that the products are full of fillers such as wheat, starch and carbohydrates. 

In today’s society we have become accustomed to eating convenience foods, and unfortunately we have passed this on to our canine companions. It is much simpler to purchase a bag of kibble from the local pet store, especially if we are told that this includes all the nutrition for our dog’s needs, rather than have to worry about our dog’s nutritional needs for every meal. 

A wild dogs diet would typically involve hunting and eating another animal. Dogs are natural scavengers, and when hungry will eat almost anything. Your dog is fundamentally a carnivore, thus it is a natural meat eater. Wild dogs have survived on the raw meat and the pre-digested foods of their prey for thousands of years. This type of diet is high in protein, easily digestible and provides optimum nutrition and energy.

When a carnivore such as a dog eats an herbivore, such as a rabbit or chicken it generally gets to eat some meat, bone, and organ meats. The carnivore will also digest a small amount of green vegetation found in the herbivore's digestive tract. It is these elements that make up a good raw dog food diet. The vitamins and minerals in these food groups occur naturally.

Raw bones are essential to a dogs diet, despite what you may have heard. Cooking bones makes them brittle and therefore, more likely to splinter and this is why cooked bones are a big “No No”! Do not feed cooked bones to your dog. We also removed the raw bones from our dogs after a couple of hours so that they don’t hide the bones in the garden for a future snack. We find that this can also make the bones brittle after a period of time. 

Wild animals have been eating raw meaty bones for a very long time with no ill effect. You can see by their teeth that canines are purpose built to eat bones. Chewing on a bone is a stimulating activity for a dog and it also releases endorphins which promote a feeling of well-being. Another benefit about bone chewing is that it prevents tartar build up; bones act as a natural tooth brush for a dog.

When eating carcasses and raw meaty bones the action of tearing, ripping & chewing enables the dog to wash, scrub & polish their gums. Our adult dogs teeth are absolutely gleaming after being on this diet and are a true testament to this way of feeding. 

Clean teeth and gums are an essential part of a dogs health. The bacteria in plaque produce foul smelling gasses often referred to as “dog breath”. The impact of diseased teeth & gums can have a major impact on the overall health of your doggo. Dogs are likely to suffer from liver, kidney & immune system problems if suffering from periodontal disease caused by a poor diet. 

Our current feeding regime is based on the book “Works Wonders” by Tom Lonsdale. Here is a summary PDF

Please note that we are not qualified nutritionists and you should consult your vet before changing your dogs diet. This diet may not suit all dogs. Information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure your pet and is not a substitute for veterinary care provided by a licensed veterinarian. For any medical or health-related advice concerning the care and treatment of your pet, contact your vet.

A General Feeding Guide “Works Wonders”

Monday - Full chicken carcass no snack or 1/2 chicken carcass 1 snack 

Tuesday - Meaty beef chuck bone leave with them pick up at end of day. No snack 

Wednesday - Roo tail portion 

Thursday - Lamb neck or other meaty lamb bones. Maybe snack depends on size 

Friday - Chicken carcass full or half carcass and snack 

Saturday - Organ, liver, kidney, heart about 150-200 gm. Nothing else. This is done fortnightly so every other week a meaty bone of your choice. 

Sunday - Meaty chuck beef bone. Snack maybe required. 

Feel free to give your dog a small portion of any daily table scraps (left over veggies that are safe for your dog) or puréed fruit & vegetable peelings. NO ONION OR WHITE POTATOES.

If available you could feed rabbit, goat, deer, pigs trotters. 

Snacks May Include:

Sardines x1 

Raw eggs x1

Chicken hearts x 4 

1/2 normal amount of good dry food 

Duck necks x 1

Chicken feet x 2 

Lambs liver 50 grams 

Dried liver treats 15-20 grams 

Pigs ear 

Raw carrot 

Pieces of broccoli

Fish carcasses 

There is so much more you can add to this. Find what’s easy to access and affordable for you. Your dog will thank you every day. There is nothing that makes us happier than hearing our dogs chewing on a nice meaty bone or chicken carcass. 

You can feed in the morning then not feed again until the following night 36 hours between feeds. The fast is good for them.

As a guide small dogs tend to eat about 20% of their body weight in raw meaty bones over a one week period. Larger dogs tend to need between 10% to 20% of body weight. 

Here is some added foods that you can introduce into your doggo’s diet.


Green bananas🍌 are the unsung heroes of gut health; they are low in sugar and high in pectin and prebiotics (non-digestible, resistant starch) which are powerful food tools to nourish your dog’s good gut bacteria, increasing the production of butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids. Research also shows the resistant starch in green bananas can have a positive effect on blood sugar control. 

Quartering green banana slices provides the perfect training treat for dogs with sensitive GI tracts. Suggested amounts, chopped into bite sized pieces: 

Giant breeds: 1 green banana a day

Medium to large breeds: ½ green banana a day

Small breeds: ¼ green banana a day


Blueberries have a high vitamin C content, which helps support healthy skin and a healthy heart. Just a handful of blueberries gives your pup a major vitamin C boost! Blueberries help regulate digestion and support a healthy gut microbiome, important for pups of all shapes and sizes. Blueberries are high in nutrients but not high in calories. They're a great snack option for pups that need help with weight management. The antioxidants in blueberries help protect cells against free radicals and inflammation, which can help prevent cancer. Blueberries contain minerals that help maintain strong bones, as well as vitamin K, which improves calcium absorption.


Similar to Blueberries, Raspberries are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, along with a healthy dose of fiber. These all help boost your dog's overall health, fight free radicals, reduce cancer risk, and support heart function, cell production, and digestion. Raspberries make a tasty, fiber-rich treat for your dog.


Sardines are a rich source of selenium that is vital for thyroid health, and helpful in neutralizing free radicals and protecting the organs from damage. Sardines are also an excellent source of vitamin B-12.

Essential fatty acids found in Sardines play a big role in your doggo’s skin integrity by decreasing inflammation and promoting healthy skin function.

Sardines also supply a rich food source of vitamin D, which is vital for our doggo's overall health and must be consumed in the diet, as dogs can’t make vitamin D from sunlight.

10 reasons as to why sardines are a must-add to your doggos diet:

1.) Protein Packed

2.) Joint and Bone Support

3.) Heart Health

4.) Inhibit The Formation Of Tumours

5.) Brain Health

6.) Helps Relive Allergies

7.) Can Assist with Weight Loss

8.) Positive Effects Against Seizing Pets

9.) Kidney Support

10.) Mood Improver & Anti-depressant

RAW EGG (including the shell)

Eggshell membrane for dogs is beneficial because it contains everything that a dog would need to maintain or rebuild joints. It’s about 70% protein, and that protein is collagen.

Check out this link:


There are plenty of vitamins and nutrients within broccoli, making it a great food choice for dogs. The best thing it can do for dogs is boost their heart health, which is crucial for them to live a long, active and happy life. 

Other potential benefits of feeding your dog broccoli:

·         Improves bone strength and density

·         Helps fight off diseases

·         Boosts immune system

It’s important that you feed broccoli to your dog in moderation.

Dogs can eat both raw and cooked broccoli. The most popular preparation method for serving broccoli for dogs is to steam the broccoli.

If you opt for feeding your dog raw broccoli, its recommend that you puree it for easy digestion. If you don’t have a food processor or blender on hand, make sure you chop it up into bite-sized pieces. That way, your pup won’t choke while snacking.  


Cauliflower is healthy for your dog to eat and is a good source of fiber, vitamins K, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and folate. These vitamins support the health of your dog's vision, blood, liver, muscles, immune system, and more. Fiber is good for your dog's colon health, weight issues, and bowel issues.

Cauliflower’s high fiber content can cause an upset stomach or gastrointestinal discomfort if fed in large amounts. This is true for all high-fiber vegetables and fruits. Start out slow, adding small quantities to your dog’s diet. Increase the quantity per serving it if there are no signs of stomach or intestinal problems.


Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which supports eye health, boosts the immune system, and makes your pet's skin and coat healthier. However, be careful - because vitamin A is an essential nutrient for dogs, it's a required additive to all commercial dog foods.

Top 5 Reasons to Feed Carrots to Your Dogs

5) Carrots support your dog’s dental health! Frozen carrots can help support dental health by gently scraping the teeth and preventing plaque buildup.

It’s important to note that dogs cannot metabolize the nutrients of raw carrots. 

 “Each cell of a carrot is protected by a thin wall of cellulose. If you do feed your dog raw carrot, you may notice that the chunks of carrot your dog chewed up will pass through him looking the same they did going in as they do on the way out. To fully reap the nutritional benefits of carrots, you must lightly cook or steam fresh carrots. Most dogs love cooked carrots as much as the raw crunchy ones. The healthiest way to cook carrots is to lightly steam them, which enhances their flavor while retaining most of the nutrients. 

4) Carrots are a low calorie, low-fat treat for dogs.  

3) Carrots can help canines with bowel movement regularity. 

Carrots are high in soluble fiber. If your dog has loose stools, he may benefit by adding carrots to his diet. The added fiber may help to add some bulk to his stools.

“You’ll want to be cautious when adding them to their diet in large amounts too quickly —start slow. They may cause some gas and intestinal upset if they are not used to the additional fiber. Always be sure to provide plenty of fresh drinking water to assist the fiber through the digestive system comfortably, and to prevent blockages. 

2) Carrots are rich in beta-carotene.

When you were a kid, did your parents tell you to eat carrots because they would improve your eyesight?  The reasoning behind that parental nugget of wisdom is pretty spot-on.

“Beta-Carotene is a carotenoid that is an antioxidant and a precursor to Vitamin A. Carrots have a wall of cellulose that isn’t digestible by dogs, it’s best to cook the carrots to reap the full nutritional benefits for your dog. 

1) Carrots are rich in Vitamin A. 

Providing a host of nutritional benefits to your dog that are essential for growth & health maintenance. Beyond supporting eye health, it also assists in supporting a thriving immune system and healthy skin and coat.

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for dogs. 

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